
I'm Krunal Jethva, a Senior Software Engineer with 2 years of experience in the software industry, constantly exploring new technologies and enhancing my skills.

Get in touch krunaljethva90@gmail.com


I'm currently a Senior Software Engineer at Tark Tech, building innovative web solutions with some awesome people. I graduated in computer engineering from VVP Engineering College.

When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'm probably traveling, playing guitar, or crossing off another item on my bucket list.

  • C#
  • Python
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SQL
  • .NET WebAPI
  • Angular
  • EntityFrameWork
  • Flask
  • RASA
  • Node
  • Express
  • Django
  • JSP (JavaServer Pages)
  • Hibernate
  • Bash
  • Visual Studio
  • Jetbrains Rider
  • Git & Github
  • Chrome DevTools
  • Postman
  • MongoDB
  • Docker
  • GCP
April 2024 - Present
Senior Software Engineer
Jul 2022 - March 2024
Junior Software Engineer
Sep 2021 - Jul 2022
Trainee Engineer
View My Resume
Other Projects

A robust Point of Sale (POS) system tailored for restaurants, enabling efficient order management, real-time inventory tracking, and insightful reporting. This solution streamlines daily operations, enhances customer service, and provides valuable analytics to optimize restaurant performance.

.NET Angular

A centralized dashboard designed to manage printers within POS systems, offering real-time monitoring, configuration, and maintenance. This solution ensures seamless printing operations, reduces downtime, and enhances the overall efficiency of POS systems in various business environments.

.NET Angular

A Python-based audio recording module designed for integration with POS systems, enabling seamless capture and storage of audio interactions. This solution supports high-quality audio recording, playback, and management, enhancing customer service and providing valuable insights for businesses.

Python Flask

Its NLP base chat app that translates the message received from the other side in the client's native language. It also includes Login, signup activity.

Python Flask MongoDB googletrans Jinja template

a chatbot that will make user’s interaction with RMC’s website smooth and the whole experience fun.Chatbot will be able to respond to all user queries regarding any service provided by RMC

Python RASA AWS Docker NLP YML

Chrome Extension which will make a request to a backend REST API where it will perform NLP and respond with a summarized version of a YouTube transcript.

Python HTML SCSS JavaScript API

making an Ecommerce website using MEARN stack technology

MongoDB Express React Node

my personal website. Designed and developed by Brittany Chiang Modified for my own personal website.

Jekyll Handlebars SCSS JavaScript Github Pages

this is my first android app. this app does not include all score counting methods that are there in the real word because i am beginner in this field of making th e android apps

Android JAVA